To query another different nameserver using dig or nslookup to look up dns information or check that your nameserver is acting OK – we’ll use the public Google nameservers at:įor dig use it on the command line like so: dig įor nslookup: nslookup 8.8.8.
The results are returned to you on the command line. Download VPN for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS & more. In a terminal, run the following commands to license the driver. The CData ODBC Driver for Google Drive driver requires macOS Sierra (10.12) or above. Now, on the bottom right, you can find a button Advanced, just click on it. This Network window shows the network connections of your Mac OS X, let it be a Wi-Fi connection or Ethernet connection. Go the Apple Menu > System Preferences (or you can also use the Spotlight Search for this, just type the words System Preferences there).
In macos you can query a domain via the command line via default nameservers with a couple of DNS querying tools, notably nslookup and dig, how that works is on the command line: dig I have provided you Google DNS server codes and Open DNS server. This section shows how to set up ODBC connectivity and configure DSNs on macOS. Use OpenDNS Or Google DNS On Apple Mac OS X.